[BangPypers] Hosting the Python Code on web

kracekumar ramaraju kracethekingmaker at gmail.com
Wed Apr 3 20:08:56 CEST 2013

On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 11:04 PM, SUMIT KUMAR RAJ <sumit786raj at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
>                         I have kept learning from you all and I am very
> thankful to you also.
> Actually I am doing my final year project of engg. ie. "Sentiment Analysis
> of Twitter Data" and I got this code on github
> https://github.com/ravikiranj/twitter-sentiment-analyzer
> which is working in terminal to classify any tweet as positive, negative or
> neutral.
> I wan't the same to be happening in browser by uploading or hosting the
> code to my domain as www.sentiment140.com works.
> I am really confused about it.Please help
> 1).Do I need to write the code again using any framework or is there any
> way?
Yes, you can package the current work and choose framework to port existing
work as Web application. Yes framework is required, in case you are trying
any other trick it may end up dirty.

> 2) I have a linux hosting plan for my domain www.techpython.com.So, how
> can
> I host any django code or any python code which has third party module with
> it? Will the hosting support codes other than standard python library?
It depends on hosting, with VPS you will get root access, so all the third
party libraries can be installed. I don't think shared hosting as great
option. Service like dotcloud, heroku are free. It is great bet to try on
those and later migrate to VPS.

> --
> Regards...
> ----------------------
> Sumit Kumar Raj
> Software & Web Developer
> Contact no:-9590283524
> Bangalore,India
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Thanks & Regards

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