[BangPypers] Pune Python User Group meetup.

Satyajit Ranjeev satyajit.ranjeev at gmail.com
Thu Nov 22 16:51:39 CET 2012

Fellow Pythonists,

I do realise this is a list for the Bangalore community. Being a very active list I felt posting it here would get the attention of Pune folks subscribed. My apologies if this is not the perfect place to post this message.

I have been dormant from the time I send a mail to revive the Pune Python User Group. But every time I see how well Bangalore is doing it makes me wonder what is hindering us to do something too (thank you BangPypers).

We need to meetup and thus this mail. I am proposing an agenda, do feel free to add to it and spread the word. Depending on the number of people who respond we will fix a location. Lets also fix a date in the coming two weeks or so.

Proposed Agenda:
    - Fixing location and time for a regular meetup
    - Apppointing organizing members
    - Decide whether to dump the mailing list and continue the google group




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