[BangPypers] Hello Experts and Open Source Enthusiasts

Gopalakrishnan Subramani gopalakrishnan.subramani at gmail.com
Sun Dec 2 13:12:38 CET 2012

As Anand said, I recommend a PHP based, ready to use, free and open source
application. Zen cart is good.

Since you start the new business, time required for you to learn python,
develop a matured website, handle payments and hosting will take months of

You need to see whether your user/customer really like to do online without
spending too much time on initial bootstrap on online.

I used to do godaddy.com for domain registration, others might have other
options as well.

There are plenty of PHP hosts than the one python support.

On the webhost, you have some options.

1. Shared hosting.
2. Virtual Private server
3. Dedicated Server & (also managed dedicated)
4. Cloud hosting

Shared hosting is cheap and the hosting company manage your database,
backup etc. You can google for it and see what fits you.
For shared hosting, check whether the framework you have selected will be

For emails, you will get from hosting in case of shared hosting. Otherwise
go with google app with free emails with your companyname.
Also you can use Google Analytics to understand the traffic to your site
and user interest.

Get in touch with a  PHP/Python freelance developer or a friend who can
help you to host and configure the system.

If your site accepts credit card or handle user name/password, go with the
SSL certification. It cost under 10 USD per year, again check SSL support
with your hosting company.

If you do online transaction, paypal shall be helpful. They support all the
basic model required for SaaS type, one time transaction with/without
paypal account.

If your company/operation cause any liabilities to personnel assets, you
need to think about registering a LLP or Private ltd company.

Learning is good. Python is always exciting except the those indentation
heck when my editor forget tab vs space at midnight.

All the best.

Just put on the raw thoughts comes on mind. Not necessary to be taken as it



On Sun, Dec 2, 2012 at 1:24 PM, Noufal Ibrahim <noufal at nibrahim.net.in>wrote:

> jaya kumar <jayakumargenius at gmail.com> writes:
> > Hai to all,
> >
> > one of my friend opened a new shop in chennai. its related to electronic
> > items accessories related to pc,system parts,we are planning to going to
> > develop a website.The website need to show system quote and details of
> the
> > todays price of the laptops and system spare parts details with their
> > images. we are just a startups.! so we are not able to give this project
> to
> > some one else. Dont mistake us. if we plan to learn to develop a website
> > these kind of website
> > what are all the aspects we need to learn from scratch onwards.
> >
> > we dont know the hosting, domain, sql,and any languages,how many days or
> > months we can took to develop these kind of website
> > and launch ?
> Do you plan to directly sell these parts from the website and handle
> payments or is it just a listing of available parts along with details?
> [...]
> --
> Cordially,
> Noufal
> http://nibrahim.net.in
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