[BangPypers] Hello Experts and Open Source Enthusiasts

Sesh sesh at boltell.com
Sun Dec 2 04:10:00 CET 2012

Sorry this is perhaps not a great answer on an open source forum. having been through this once before i wonder if a better option is not to develop yourself (since i get the sense developing something is not your core competence or interest). Try out a saas based pay per use offering?
Google should throw some leads? Mart jack; big raja ; smartstore ;  etc....


Sent from my iPad. Please excuse typos.

On Dec 1, 2012, at 10:44 PM, jaya kumar <jayakumargenius at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hai to all,
> one of my friend opened a new shop in chennai. its related to electronic
> items accessories related to pc,system parts,we are planning to going to
> develop a website.The website need to show system quote and details of the
> todays price of the laptops and system spare parts details with their
> images. we are just a startups.! so we are not able to give this project to
> some one else. Dont mistake us. if we plan to learn to develop a website
> these kind of website
> what are all the aspects we need to learn from scratch onwards.
> we dont know the hosting, domain, sql,and any languages,how many days or
> months we can took to develop these kind of website
> and launch ?
> Your valuable  suggestions are welcome.
> I may not  be a good technical stuff in front of you people. I dont know
> whether am eligible to put this question in this forum or not ? Bad
> comments also welcome.
> Thanks and Regards
> Jaya
> l
> (Hundred failures may teach lesson to good destination )
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