[BangPypers] Try Ninja IDE

Roshan Mathews rmathews at gmail.com
Fri Aug 24 08:40:54 CEST 2012

On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 11:45 AM, kracekumar ramaraju
<kracethekingmaker at gmail.com> wrote:
> Well apart from vi, I use sublime2 too, it works very well on cross
> platform, extensions can be written in python and very light weight.
$60 is pretty pricey for an editor.. do you get it for all platforms
for that much?  Was it worth it?

I read so much about BBEdit, and how it is a steal at $50 because it
used to be $140 or so earlier, but it is hard to justify spending
money on an editor (to myself).  Maybe I'm just a cheapskate ...

PS - you are talking about SublimeText2, http://www.sublimetext.com/ right?


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