[BangPypers] Python 2.7.1 build successful, however many modules failed on HP-UX 11.31 ia64 with aCC

Wah Meng Wong wah_meng at yahoo.com
Wed Sep 21 14:17:59 CEST 2011

Hi Senthil,

I want to provide an update here and close this issue. 

1 and 2.) HP said +DD64 is not accepted by ld. So I am not utilizing the recommended setting in README file. Instead, I just pass +DD64 to CC, making it "CC=cc +DD64" and there is no issue in the building process. The LDFLAGS and BASECFLAGS setting in the README file is also not used. The CXX=aCC is used. I have provided feedback to bugs.python.org. Not sure if they will revert to me in changing the README file.

3.) ActiveState is my last resort. I am able to build built-in modules like _tkinter now. I am using "CC=cc +DD64 -I/home/r32813/local/include" and LDFLAGS="-L/home/r32813/local/lib -lxnet" and CXX=aCC only. /home/r32813/local is where I install my tcl/tk binary and library. : ). I am working on cx_Oracle build now. The module can be built however cannot be loaded. Hopefully I will make some progress soon.

I may open another issue more specific to cx_Oracle later. :  )


From: Senthil Kumaran <senthil at uthcode.com>
To: Wah Meng Wong <wah_meng at yahoo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: [BangPypers] Python 2.7.1 build successful, however many modules failed on HP-UX 11.31 ia64 with aCC

On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 10:35 AM, Wah Meng Wong <wah_meng at yahoo.com> wrote:

> 1.) Yup I have open an issue to HP support, checking with them why the
> linker doesn't recognize +DD64 flag. However they are asking a lot of server
> information and stuffs before getting to know my problem. Progressing.... :

:-) Strange. But it happens.

> 2.) Ok I will revert to bugs.python.org when I heard something more
> substantial from HP. Haha I am not so aware that HP is an uncommon platform.

I would also suggest trying with binutils (if ld is from that package)
and asking a very specific question as why +DD64 is not being

> 3.) Is ActiveState also one of the discussion group?

Nope, it is a Python distribution with commercial support behind it.


They have put AIX, Solaris, HP-UX under paid releases of Python. That
would probably help with you installation and support. In terms of
nature of the company with Open Source support, they are pretty
trustworthy and have good reputation in the community.


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