[BangPypers] Python 2.7.1 build successful, however many modules failed on HP-UX 11.31 ia64 with aCC

Wah Meng Wong wah_meng at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 18 11:15:31 CEST 2011

Hello there,

I am trying to build python 64-bit on HP Itanium platform with HP-UX Ansi C compiler. The python executable is successfully built however there are many errors generated when option +DD64 is passed in, many (more) modules failed to build (compared to 32-bit option is used).  

I followed the instruction in README file to set and unset the enviornment variables like CC, CXX, LDFLAGS and BASECFLAGS like below, and remove Optimization option in the Makefile, however, many modules failed to build. There are warning messages on the compilation which I can ignore, however, there are fatal errors that "+DD64" is not a recognized flag in the linking process, with command ld.

export CC=cc
export CXX=aCC
export BASECFLAGS="+DD64"
export LDFLAGS="+DD64 -lxnet"

# swlist -l product | grep Compiler
  ACXX                  C.06.26.EVAL   HP C/aC++ Compiler 
  C-ANSI-C              C.06.26.EVAL   HP C/aC++ Compiler 
  COMPLIBS              B.11.31        Compiler Support Libraries 

Messages showing the linking process failed. I am not sure why the ld command cannot accept the flag while the Makefile contains this option when it is generated by "./configure --without-gcc" command with 64-bit options enabled.  

ld -b +DD64 -lxnet build/temp.hp-ux-B.11.31-ia64-2.7/home/r32813/Build/2.7.1/Python-2.7.1/Modules/mathmodule.o build/temp.hp-ux-B.11.31-ia64-2.7/home/r32813/Build/2.7.1/Python-2.7.1/Modules/_math.o -L/usr/local/lib -lm -o build/lib.hp-ux-B.11.31-ia64-2.7/math.so
ld: Unrecognized argument: +DD64
Fatal error.

Here is the summary output of the build. I don't think I can use this python executable, so many important modules that I use failed to build. Compared to 32-bit build, I only have 2 modules .

Python build finished, but the necessary bits to build these modules were not found:
_bsddb             _curses            _curses_panel   
_sqlite3           _ssl               _tkinter        
bsddb185           bz2                dl              
gdbm               imageop            linuxaudiodev   
ossaudiodev        readline           spwd            
sunaudiodev        zlib                               
To find the necessary bits, look in setup.py in detect_modules() for the module's name.

Failed to build these modules:
_bisect            _codecs_cn         _codecs_hk      
_codecs_iso2022    _codecs_jp         _codecs_kr      
_codecs_tw         _collections       _csv            
_ctypes            _ctypes_test       _elementtree    
_functools         _heapq             _hotshot        
_io                _json              _locale         
_lsprof            _md5               _multibytecodec 
_multiprocessing   _random            _sha            
_socket            _struct            _testcapi       
array              audioop            binascii        
cmath              cPickle            crypt           
cStringIO          datetime           dbm             
fcntl              future_builtins    grp             
itertools          math               mmap            
nis                operator           parser          
pyexpat            resource           select          
strop              syslog             termios         
time               unicodedata               

Appreciate any input on this issue when 64-bit option is passed into aCC that cause so many errors on my server. Thanks! 

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