[BangPypers] [Jython][CLASSPATH] Unable to set classpath/execute modules

Subhodip Biswas subhodipbiswas at gmail.com
Mon Sep 5 12:16:57 CEST 2011

Hi all,

Last few days of banging my head with Jenkins/Hudson, I finally got a
solution. It is to execute with nosetests --xunit style reporting. I
wrote a code that will look for nosetests and if not present it will

However while trying to test nosetests on my windows(ofc provided
this, I would have loved to use a linux box) machine, I ran into a
I set JYTHON_HOME = \path\to\jython
and I set JYTHON_HOME\bin for all commands like pip, easy_install, etc.

While basic jython is working fine. While trying to execute I get

'pip' is not recognized as an internal command or external command...........


What can possibly go wrong here. I double checked my directory setting
and stuff and it looks good.
I installed pip using the command "jython ez_setup pip"

Is there a possiblity of installation getting corrupted? How do i
check for such an issue.

Any kind of help will be appreciated. My learning experience with
hudson and jython is getting tough :-(

Subhodip Biswas

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