[BangPypers] BeautifulSoup in Jython required in Java faced Problem

Subhodip Biswas subhodipbiswas at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 09:36:23 CEST 2011

Hi all,

I wrote few codes in Jython for reading xmls. Everything was working
fine until one fine day my client asks for a java interoperability.
I dig up the internet and landed up here:
This is however is not the problem. The problem is I used
beautifulsoup because of b0rked XML responses. Considering that for
different request there will be different response which in turn(in
beautifulsoup) results in something like ns#:somename (where # is a
number and Some name is a node name). I will be lost with random
combinations every time a different response comes.

One way of thinking is to generalize the beautifulsoup code(but will
face the problem above) and then use the Java Jython patching.
Another way is to use something else similar to Beautifulsoup (e.g.
JSoup maybe).

Beautiful soup is powerful and I am helpless. Please help with your
thoughts and ideas.

Subhodip Biswas

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