[BangPypers] [pythonpune] Re: To use Pinax or just Django

Noufal Ibrahim noufal at gmail.com
Mon Nov 21 09:10:05 CET 2011

Vineet Naik <naikvin at gmail.com> writes:

> Hi Noufal,
> What do you mean by "it's too hard to mix and match".

I've done only one non trivial project with Django and my impression was
that you are bound to do everything the Django way. You cannot select
the ORM, templating engine etc. and expect the rest of the things to
work as smoothly as before. 

The Django components are high quality, there's s super supportive large
community around it and it's got excellent documentation so this is not
that much of a problem (atleast for popular components) but I don't like
frameworks making decisions for me. Also, some parts are opaque and I
like to know what's going on inside. This is especially necessary when
you're in your last 10%.

> Frankly, I have not tried any other python web framework besides
> django.  But my initial impression of Django is that it is far ahead
> of the choices available in PHP. Plus there is the admin app, template
> inheritance and how it takes care of everything while running unit
> test on models.

If you're doing everything which the core team has thought of in the way
they want to do it, well and good. If you want to do something
differently, there's a good chance you'll hit a wall.

> will flask be suitable for a fairly big project with complex Acl and
> stuff like that.

I see no reason why not. It's got a fairly large community around it and
there are lots of plugins and things. Chances are that someone else had
the same problem as you (since most web apps are commoditised these
days) and has solved it.



Hegel was right when he said that we learn from history that man can never learn anything from history. -George Bernard Shaw

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