[BangPypers] [chennaipy 1126] [XPost][Slightly OT] Could you share your experiences about Python Freelance programming, from a programmer's perspective

Sidu Ponnappa lorddaemon at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 11:58:19 CET 2011

> We have a rather good work environment. But trying to convince
> freshers of this is close to impossible, as they have inflated ideas
> about what the IT industry is really like.
This is one of the reasons we only hire proven hackers from among
freshers - they already value things we do to.

Otherwise, we prefer folks that have spent a year or two in Big IT and
are tired of the politics, back biting and overhead associated with
it. As importantly, they no longer find a big campus with 10k people
on it such a cool idea after having been stuck in one (and having
spent a couple of hours a day travelling to get there).

TL;DR - you may actually want to target folks around you at the IT
park rather than freshers. They'll be more amenable to what you're
pitching to them.

On Thu, Nov 3, 2011 at 2:31 AM, Rajeev J Sebastian
<rajeev.sebastian at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 2, 2011 at 11:05 PM, Sidu Ponnappa <lorddaemon at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Do you do your tests in Python, or whatever language the fresher
>>> knows? So far, we have not received a single resume mentioning Python.
>> Any object oriented language the candidate is comfortable with is fine
>> by us. Unit tests are, however, mandatory. TDD is a huge plus.
>>> Question is, how much to pay?
>> Figure out who your competition in the hiring space is (this could be
>> very very different from your business competitors). Find out how much
>> they pay. Then do your best to pay more. For us, this means companies
>> like ThoughtWorks, Amazon and co. We try to pay salaries that are
>> close to these firms (though matching Amazon is still slightly beyond
>> us for now).
>>> From the freshers point of view though, their friends making insane
>>> salaries at MNCs always make them dissatisfied. Any recommendations?
>> Yes - pay more than the MNCs or at least get close and compensate for
>> the delta with a brilliant work environment. Unfortunately, I have no
>> better answer than this. Folks typically evaluate a prospective
>> employer on salary, work environment (including how awesome
>> prospective colleagues are, how much they can learn, and how
>> transparent and honest the organisations is) and the work itself.
>> There is no magic formula that allows you to hire better people while
>> paying significantly less than your competitors, but you can usually
>> swing it by being somewhere close on salary and doing better than them
>> on the last two parameters. Honestly, a small company that can't
>> trounce an MNC on work environment is doing something seriously wrong.
> We have a rather good work environment. But trying to convince
> freshers of this is close to impossible, as they have inflated ideas
> about what the IT industry is really like.
>>> There is also the tug of "Bangalore".
>> Identify why this is the case and look to plug the gaps. If the
>> attractiveness lies in the lifestyle, then you may wish to open up a
>> branch in Bangalore. I should warn you though that on the hiring
>> front, things are no better here :)
> Thanks Sidu. All of this is really good advice.
> Regards
> Rajeev J Sebastian
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