[BangPypers] [commercial] python/django training

vikas ruhil vikasruhil06 at gmail.com
Sun May 15 13:47:44 CEST 2011

@Ramdas why not? a the average freebie seeker will
never see the value of your efforts? nothing  like that? someone really
interested in learning stuff  surely give value to instructor!
don't forget power of open-source , django is also open-source if some one
patent this one then really django is that much popular ?
so please contribute !! money matter's but sometime attitude ,enthusiasm
matter >.........it lead to teach INDIA , i really appreciate
India moves forword then only India can compete USA in technology ??? so
need more guys do it ...........

On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 4:57 PM, Ramdas S <ramdaz at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 3:00 PM, srinivasa rao <srinivasaenergy at gmail.com
> >wrote:
> > hi
> > I have 5 years exp using Python/Django  i want to give free training to
> all
> > please contact
> >
> Srinivas,
> I appreciate your enthusiasm. But a word of caution. Moment you start
> giving
> away a service free, it's value go down, and the average freebie seeker
> will
> never see the value of your efforts. Charge something even if it's Rs 100.
>  It's not the same as dropping your code for others to learn, cntribute and
> use, which is how the free and open source community work. The value of
> your
> source code go up manyfold, as more people use, fix bugs and create a
> better
> platform.
> If you want to offer training free, do it for a community that deserves. Go
> to engineering colleges or schools, and organize a workshop or two, create
> a
> few pythonistas there.
> Ramdas
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