[BangPypers] WSGI app instrumentation - middleware or other

Anand Chitipothu anandology at gmail.com
Wed Jun 8 11:45:25 CEST 2011

2011/6/8 Noufal Ibrahim <noufal at gmail.com>:
> Sriram Narayanan <sriramnrn at gmail.com> writes:
>> Solaris, opensolaris, openindiana, freebsd, OSX.
>> Also see crispeditor for dtrace on linux.
> [...]
> Interesting.
> I think it should be possible (and would be useful) to drop statistics
> obtained using dtrace into graphite (along with other things that dtrace
> can't do) so that you can a single uniform picture of what's going on.

I think it is too low-level tool to use for performance monitoring. It
might be good for some detailed introspection or troubleshooting. I
think the python profiler gives quite good information about where the
time is spent.

I use a special query parameter to dump the profiling information of
handling a single request using hotshot profiler.


(scroll to the bottom to see the output of the profiler).


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