[BangPypers] [FREE] python/django training

vikas ruhil vikasruhil06 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 11 23:58:49 CEST 2011

Date:30th July 2011(1 day boot camp)  , City :Delhi , Venue : USO house/JNU

For outsides Delhi such as People from Bangalore etc..might be webinar
arranged unless we send them whole tutorial source code /Video to then on
mail id

Prerequisites :
1)come with your laptop
2)better if have Linux/Mac as OS
3) for window no more support after bootcamp
4) training is free but no other services provided i.e food ..so come ready
with your own
5)Also send me mail about your confirmation with your  short Bio & why you
want attend, why to want learn django !
6) so meet @ USO house


1)Django introduction Basic concept
2) Web development (django vs wep2py , who is better)
3)   Google app engine
4)  Creating Facebook app  using GAE +django
5) Web server set up & usage
6) Database setup & usage
7)  ORM (Object Relational Mapping) + Templates
 (for views) + Forms + Much more
some updations soon
8) Pinax a Dajngo framework (web 3.0)

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