[BangPypers] [JOB] Python developer required in Pune with web development experience

Kenneth Gonsalves lawgon at au-kbc.org
Thu Jan 13 07:14:19 CET 2011

On Thu, 2011-01-13 at 11:39 +0530, Baishampayan Ghose wrote:
> >> This interesting job comes with industry competitive compensation.
> >
> > how much? I wonder why in India people never mention salary range.
> One reason for not stating the actual range and just saying "according
> to industry standards" is that there is no such thing as a "standard
> compensation". The actual pay differs with the person, the role & the
> company. Nevertheless, it's a nice way of saying "we won't
> short-change you". 

or a way of saying: 'there is going to be bargaining here'? I do not
know much about the software industry, but surely there must be an
approximate range - or at least a maximum that a company is willing to
shell out?
Kenneth Gonsalves

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