[BangPypers] Auto Login to Website and Capturing more details

Noufal Ibrahim noufal at gmail.com
Tue Dec 27 18:15:09 CET 2011

Nikunj Badjatya <nikunjbadjatya at gmail.com> writes:


> The link in the 'resp' is true to my knowledge. I checked it by logging in
> at diff times. Its coming the same every time and it is the link behind
> 'Account Information' which comes on the front page after logging in.
> When I open output.html, Its giving me the same login form i.e same looks
> as those of 'https://ebpp.airtelworld.com/pkmslogin.form'
> I tried with CookieJar() also. Same results.

Can't say for sure. Are you getting back the session cookie? It might
also make sense to try a more modern HTTP client library rather then
stdlib. Krace's suggestion of requests is good as is Sageer's one of



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