[BangPypers] [Python][Hudson][Tests] Problems - help needed

Senthil Kumaran senthil at uthcode.com
Sun Aug 28 18:06:35 CEST 2011

Hi Subhodip,

On Sun, Aug 28, 2011 at 08:54:16PM +0530, Subhodip Biswas wrote:
> Now my original target was to generate nice html reports from the xml
> report which allTest.py generates.

Hudson merely requires that your XML output be Junit output style that
it can display. Look at the specifics, install hudson and point your
output xml to it should be fine.

If you want to something simpler, you can look at py.test and it's
plugins. py.test has a way to generate junit style xml to be bed to
hudson too.


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