[BangPypers] how to write Operating System in python

L. Guruprasad lgp171188 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 11 19:08:59 CEST 2011

Hi Vikas,
On Thursday 11 August 2011 03:26 PM, Noufal Ibrahim wrote:
> vikas ruhil<vikasruhil06 at gmail.com>  writes:
>> I am looking towards to write an operating system in Python? How i can
>> write kernel and kernel calls on Debian Linux ! any body can help
>> reagrd this !!
> I mailed a while ago about choosing the right tool for a given task (as
> opposed to seeing everything as a nail).
> Are there any reasons why you're interested in doing this in Python (as
> opposed to say Ruby)?

I totally agree with Noufal here. But searching the web for similar 
attempts, I found these


Not sure how active these attempts are and whether it is really possible 
to achieve something like this.

Thanks & Regards,

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