[BangPypers] [OT][ANN] RubyConf India 2011 Registrations open

Habibullah Pagarkar habibpagarkar at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 13:35:31 CEST 2011

Hello all,

RubyConf India 2011 will be held in Bangalore on the 28th and 29th of
May. The venue is Royal Orchid hotel off Old Airport Road, very close
to ThoughtWorks' office where BangPypers meetings are occasionally

We have a very knowledgeable group of speakers lined up - the keynote
will be presented by Yehuda Katz, committer to Ruby on Rails, jQuery,
Rubinius, DataMapper among others. Chad Fowler (author of Passionate
Programmer) and Ola Bini (core committer to JRuby and creator of a few
interesting programming languages) will also be presenting.

To register for this event, please visit

Early bird registrations close in less than two weeks, so hurry!

We've already received over 25 proposals. The call for participation
closes in *just* two weeks. If you'd like to submit a proposal, head
over to http://rubyconfindia.org/2011 to do so. The last date for
submissions is 20th April, 2011.

I'm hoping that just like last year, many members of this group will
enrich RubyConf India with their perspectives and experiences of
working with a fraternal dynamic language. :)

Thank you,

Habibullah Pagarkar
habibpagarkar at gmail.com


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