[BangPypers] Help needed on reviewing my presentation for pycon.

Zubin Mithra zubin.mithra at gmail.com
Mon Jun 28 07:59:50 CEST 2010

On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 10:25 AM, Shiv Shankar <fslash8 at gmail.com> wrote:

>  But I know the limitations of threads in python, how to break it and where
> >> twisted comes in.
> >>
> >> Twisted is not just a solution for threads and more over threads in
> > python are problematic (?) at CPU level and not at IO level and
> > twisted is for asynchronous operation at IO level that is why is it
> > helpful in designing a lot of Networking Software.
> >
> Please read my presentation notes, I am not talking about Twisted, I am
> talking more about the 2 approaches, the second approach being used in
> designing twisted giving you a clear reason to use twisted.
> And,
> 0. If you just want to do Networking Software, asyncore is availiable in
> native python, why use twisted ? Where does IO comes in most networking
> software ?

Asynchronous events are considered to be categorized in two; those which are
I\O based(in that case you are probably talking about servers or networking
applications) or those which deal with CPU based(where you are probably
dealing with a complex computation which needs to be efficiently done).
Twisted deals with asynchronous I/O. I havent used asyncore myself.

> 1. Threads in any programing language is problematic, unless until used
> right.* Python is different, due to its abstractions.*
Yup, hard to debug. But if done the right way, its always faster that
co-routines correct? Just a doubt.

> 2. For developing a concurrent system the most crucial thing is write to
> read ratio,
> Twisted is used for network programing because the ratio is low in most
> cases,
> and due to the async bindings for read/write it aids to concurrency.

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