[BangPypers] UTF-8 character

Eknath Venkataramani eknath.iyer at gmail.com
Fri Jan 29 19:06:58 CET 2010

On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 11:29 PM, Eknath Venkataramani <
eknath.iyer at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am trying to write a program to generate a file that simply removes all
> the punctuation marks from the input file.
> for the usual ascii characters like .,'?!" it works. but then when I try to
> do the same for the hindi fullstop (similar to |). it gives me an error
> saying:
> SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xe0' in file punc_remover.py on line 16,
> but no encoding declared
> I am using UTF-8. But how do I indicate that to the interpretter
Got it working.
Did this:
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

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