[BangPypers] (10054, 'Connection reset by peer')

learningpython at aol.com learningpython at aol.com
Sun Feb 14 23:40:59 CET 2010

 Hi Anand Balachandran,

It is resolved so don't worry about it..

The remte host was in stand by mode and i just learned that PING works in standby as it is ICMP message.

Cheers ..

- Anand




-----Original Message-----
From: learningpython at aol.com
To: bangpypers at python.org
Sent: Mon, Feb 15, 2010 8:12 am
Subject: Re: (10054, 'Connection reset by peer')


 Hi Anand Balachandran,
I have posted the file, i have issues to your email account. 
Let me know if missed something.

-- Anand




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