[BangPypers] Internationals getting Python/Programming Jobs (steve)

Rory Hart hartror at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 10:20:35 CET 2010

Hi Philippe

Thanks a lot for the detailed advice! Sounds like I might be best off doing
some freelancing with contacts here in Australia while living there on a
tourist visa.

Thanks again!


On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 5:17 AM, Philippe May <philippe.may at hanjinet.org>wrote:

> Hi,
> Sorry for late reply.
> I'm a French living in Bangalore, currently working for an Indian firm
> (actually a subsidiary of a French consulting company).
> I had the same idea when i came here first, so let me share my experience.
> It is not easy for a foreigner to get a local job, firms usually won't
> consider you unless they have a good reason to do so, like facing a western
> customer (initially my case). And this schema is not the one commonly chosen
> by the local main players: they usually hire foreigners only in their own
> country to win the trust of their customers, while the "real" job is made
> here by indian teams. Playing only on your technical skills is a miss imho.
> The expats who live here are usually on short term basis, trustful
> employees sent here for starting up a local project. I don't think it's
> possible to come to India as an independent worker either.
> So the first problem is to step in: almost the only way is to come on
> tourist visa, which legally forbids you to look for a job or do any business
> related activity.
> Maybe an option could be: come and set up your own company (for example
> private limited), there should be no big problem in doing so if you are very
> patient with paper work, then get the status of employed director (you need
> another director too). A local chartered accountant can help for few bucks.
> Then you are on the market as an entrepreneur.
> Regarding Python jobs, other people on this list answered already. I use
> heavily python "just" as a tool, my work not being a development project.
> This list shows that there are talented people around!
> Anyways, don't hesitate to revert back, i'd be happy to help.
> Finally: no, you're not mad... but many people would assume you are mad ;)
> Philippe
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I'm an Australian who is considering living/working in Bangalore, I work
> > with a lot of Indians here in Australia and figure why should they have
> all
> > the fun of coming to another country to work.
> >
> > The main questions I have are:
> >
> >    - Do Bangalore IT companies hire many internationals?
> >    - Can you get by with English only? (I note with happiness all
> >    the correspondence on this list appears to be in English)
> >    - What are the Python job prospects like in Bangalore?
> >    - Do any of you work with/are internationals working in Bangalore and
> >    would be willing to talk to me about it in more depth?
> >
> > Any other insights people have would be much appreciated, for example: am
> I
> > mad?
> >
> > Thank you
> >
> > p.s. I hope this isn't too off topic/general but I figure since I belong
> to
> > the Melbourne PUG we're like brothers in arms :)
> > --
> > Rory Hart
> >
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