[BangPypers] Future of Python Programmers

Anand Balachandran Pillai abpillai at gmail.com
Mon Feb 1 11:58:04 CET 2010

On Mon, Feb 1, 2010 at 4:08 PM, Srinivas Reddy Thatiparthy <
srinivas_thatiparthy at akebonosoft.com> wrote:

> >> As Noufal said, don't become a language  specialist, as that amounts
> to limiting yourself too much  upfront. .
> I didn't get this point. I would like to know.please clarify on this
> point

 In a gist, let us say you decide to be a Python specialist and focus
only on Python. However as you go along, you will find that Python
has borrowed many concepts from other languages and from generic
CS patterns, so it is not an island. For example, you will find that
generators are specialized co-routines and you might find yourself
checking out similar concepts in other languages like erlang/haskell
or even Java. No programming language is an island and every
advanced feature of any programming language will be present
in other languages - perhaps under other names. So instead of
becoming a Python specialist, if you try and expand your knowledge
of programming languages as a whole, it will help you to pick
up any language as you progress, since you can quickly grasp
the underlying patterns.

For example, OOP. If you have learned OOP in C++, then it is
the same concept carried through in Java, Python everywhere, except
that the details differ. If you however compartmentalize your
language learnings, you might fail to recognize common features
across languages and this can impair your learning in the long term
and make you, well a lesser programmer.

 That is the academic aspect of it. The more pragmatic aspect
is that if you limit yourselves, you are excluding your chance of
working in projects that require multiple skills say C/Python or
Java/Python. That is what I meant by being a multi-skilled generalist
 than a deeply skilled specialist - so this answers the question below
 also, I hope.

> >>>.In my experience, companies prefer  well-skilled generalists than
> deeply skilled specialists, unless  one is an ultimate genius in what he
> does and irreplacable.
> This point also, because i want to be  a python,c#  specialist.Your
> answer help me a great deal.Please clarify.
> Thanks AB.
> Regards,
> ~ Srini T
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