[BangPypers] @dabeaz visiting b'lore

स्वक्ष vid at svaksha.com
Thu Apr 1 08:28:35 CEST 2010

On Thu, Apr 1, 2010 at 11:37, Noufal Ibrahim <noufal at gmail.com> wrote:
> I just spoke to David and he's quite interested in meeting the local
> Pythonistas and maybe even talking about some Python related
> concept/technology that's not so commonly discussed.
> The only problem is that he'll be here for a week (Monday to Friday)
> and won't have time during work hours so if we want to meet up, we'll
> have to make it an evening session. I'm not sure about the logistics.
> A restaurant is one option but that would preclude a proper  tech.
> discussion. It would be nicer to have some space and to have food
> brought in.

-1 to restaurants (or any public space that is noisy and) not
convenient for all present to listen to the speaker.
Noufal if you have the approx dates, it would be easier to see if any
office is willing to sponsor space. Food is not important (IMHO) and
folks wishing to make dinner plans can hash that out impromptu.

vid || http://svaksha.com

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