[BangPypers] Why do indians copy?

shameek ghosh shameek09 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 15 15:40:07 CEST 2009

Coming back to the main questions.[:)]

1. Why do indian programmers ask for code in  Usenet (particularly Google
groups) ?

How many Indians do you think can actually code?Most can't.They think they
do, but they don't.Think of when we were in college, how many of us actually
worked hard and coded themselves.Morever you dont get awarded/appraised for
coding,  its more about your manager's/teacher's whim.So why do we ask for
code?Hmm.....maybe because statiscally , software servicess companies have a
lot more Indians across the globe.And we want to see ourselves getting
promoted/graded faster/better than our peers.So it doesnt really matter
whether we can code or not.What matters is whether we can talk about that
code(since thts what we blabber in status meeting).What better way is there
than asking for readymade code on some forum?[:P]....Anyway , most companies
swear by status meets rather than actual work.On top of that , code on
forums is free and nobody at your office needs to know that you copied
it.Personally , I think its fine to reuse code , but not before you know
what is happening and you contibute to a forum's discussion.Most people on
forum's are seen asking queries , never really trying to solve something
collaboratively.Asking for help is okay.As far as code is concerned most
people ask for regular code which is lying somewhere in the web.And none of
them really know how to search effectively.

Is copying seeped into our blood?
A:Well , I dont really think copying is bad.

Historically, Indians are also known for reinventing the wheel.Thats what
happened pre-independence and after it for quite some time too.Indian
scientists and mathematicians had rare access to work done
internationally.We lost a lot of mileage then.And its not possible that you
have all the time in the world to write ,code,solve problems.So its
important what you reuse and what you write.Its just that do not reinvent
the wheel each time.There are bigger problems to solve out there.[:)]

This got big and by the time I completed conversations got updated , so now
I might have repeated what  Yuvi and Baishampayan has said although in a
different way.[:)]

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 5:36 PM, Noufal Ibrahim <noufal at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 5:32 PM, Vinayak Hegde <vinayakh at gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 4:43 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves <lawgon at au-kbc.org>
> wrote:
> >> On Thursday 15 Oct 2009 3:52:39 pm Srijayanth Sridhar wrote:
> >>> I brought up the same topic a few months ago I think. Basically if you
> go
> >>> to the Ruby forums
> >>
> >> no real programmer goes to forums - they use mailing lists and IRC
> >
> > There are several good forums such as artima, stackoverflow and
> > javalobby. The process of finding answers is what is important and not
> > the medium.
> Ubuntuforums has in the past been useful to me. I usually get to the
> articles via. a google search rather than directly visiting the forums
> though.
> --
> ~noufal
> http://nibrahim.net.in
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