[BangPypers] SciPy India 2009 - SciPy.in

Kenneth Gonsalves lawgon at au-kbc.org
Tue Oct 6 02:27:15 CEST 2009

On Monday 05 Oct 2009 4:46:12 pm Noufal Ibrahim wrote:
> > Ps. I am talking from my own perspective, if I was asked to create a
> > website backed by a database, I'd chose something based on Php simply
> > because that's what I have some recent experience working with, so I
> > spend less time wasted trying to learn the tools.
> [..]
> That's a sane choice

actually I personally would not employ/engage a person whose criterion for 
choosing a tool is 'what is easiest for me'. I need a person who would not 
mind struggling a bit to do the work with a tool that is best for me (ie, best 
for the customer). Yes, drupal is easy - excellent for the weekend warrior 
maintaining his own site. But for a developer with a conscience it is a 
nightmare - I remember looking at their site in August and notice about 60 odd 
security patches in 2009 alone. Imagine maintaining a dozen drupal sites and 
spending one's whole time applying the patches! Compared with plone or django, 
which do not even have a security page or a security mailing list. I set up a 
django site in 2005, and only visited it the other day because the customer 
wanted some enhancements. I am yet to visit the plone site I set up 2 years 
back. Of course many so-called developers do not have a conscience, they leave 
the site to the customer, and when it is cracked they say - 'why are you 
sleeping? Can you not see the hundreds of security patches you should have 
applied'. And php developers promoting python? verily they are worms in 
snake's skins ;-)
Kenneth Gonsalves
Senior Project Officer

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