[BangPypers] CPython's 'bignum' Implementation

Baishampayan Ghose b.ghose at gmail.com
Fri May 15 21:43:19 CEST 2009

> Now, how does CPython implement bignum? From what I gather, there is
> more than way of doing it- using a different radix (base),  an array
> of numbers. One hint is given by
> http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0237/. However, if any of you folks
> know something concrete, I would appreciate it.

I have given a cursory glance to the Python code base and I think I
know how it's implemented :)

My findings are here -

I would appreciate a few up-votes if you deem my answer to be satisfying :-p


Baishampayan Ghose
b.ghose at gmail.com

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