[BangPypers] Face to face meeting for Python conference

Darkseid lorddaemon at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 10:43:10 CET 2009

So are we doing the meeting this weekend?


Noufal Ibrahim wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 11:59 AM, Anand Balachandran Pillai
> <abpillai at gmail.com> wrote:
> [..]
>> The Agenda "Upcoming Python Conference" is too broad.
> I agree. I will parse the logs for the last meeting and merge it with
> the first meetings minutes to make a solid agenda. I will then send it
> out.
>> For example - Is Ramdas, Jace there ? Is Sree (Mahiti)
>> attending ? I don' see any +1s from them.
> This is a problem. We need to maximise attendance for a meeting such
> as this. Especially from the key people.
> It might be a good idea to keep it next week if more people can
> attend. Is that okay?
> I tried going on the channel yesterday to find some people but no one
> was there.

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