[BangPypers] Face to face meeting for Python conference

Darkseid lorddaemon at gmail.com
Wed Mar 18 18:14:07 CET 2009

> If sufficient people do chime in,
> Sidu can probably arrange the venue.
I can, and if we end up doing this it will be at ThoughtWorks, Diamond 
District, Airport Rd.

Noufal Ibrahim wrote:
> I haven't had anyone sending a +1 or other confirmation so I'm not
> sure if it will be there really. If sufficient people do chime in,
> Sidu can probably arrange the venue.
> I'd personally like it sometime pre-lunch on Saturday but that's
> really upto the group.
> I'm not sure if we have a google group but the list archives are at
> http://mail.python.org/pipermail/bangpypers/
> and the python wiki has a page group for Bangpypers.

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