[BangPypers] What's the exact plan tomorrow?

Parthan SR parth.technofreak at gmail.com
Sat Feb 21 04:20:02 CET 2009

sreedhar ambati wrote:
> What are the sessisons in this meeting?
> I found a clash with ILUG Bangalore user group .
> They are also having the sessions in the same place at the same place 
> at the same time.
> Can you clarify ?
Yes, they are also meeting at Thought Works today at 4.30 PM. They fixed 
their meeting a day after we fixed ours (or rather moved our meet to TW 
from ZeOmega) )and I indeed tell them when they were trying to fix it 
up. Both the meets will happen at the same venue (TW) but at different 
halls/rooms (they are getting a bigger room this time).

With Regards,

Parthan SR "technofreak" 
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