[BangPypers] Do not know how much truth

Ramdas S ramdaz at gmail.com
Fri Dec 18 11:24:27 CET 2009

I was following this thread earlier. I dont think Google has made any
statement NOT to use Python anymore.

All it's said that developers are advised to choose tools that's in line
with demand of projects. Yes the thread does point of deficiencies of
Python, and we all know these are issues and still have been writing code in
this language.

All dynamic languages have to some extent performance issues, we need to
live these in search of simplicty...

how did you guess my plans?

> --
> regards
> Kenneth Gonsalves
> Senior Project Officer
> http://nrcfosshelpline.in/web/
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Ramdas S
+91 9342 583 065

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