[BangPypers] [ANN] FWDE launched

Shashwat Anand anand.shashwat at gmail.com
Wed Dec 16 12:14:25 CET 2009

@Kenneth Nice effort .. I had tried Microsoft Certification some 3 years
ago..it was a bunch of crap..I had not mentioned it even in my resume and
all the faith in certification programs was lost.

On Wed, Dec 16, 2009 at 1:54 PM, Kenneth Gonsalves <lawgon at au-kbc.org>wrote:

> On Wednesday 16 Dec 2009 1:46:16 pm Kenneth Gonsalves wrote:
> >
> oops - forgot to past the announcement:
> hi,
> I am happy to announce that we have at long last launched the Foss Web
> Deployment Engineer Certification. 'The first question that will arise is:
> 'Kenneth of all people is launching a certification? he must be fit to be
> certified'.  True. To date I have never looked at a candidate's
> certificates
> when interviewing him - as I know how easy these things are to crack and
> that
> mugging up is no guarantee that the person actually *knows* anything. For
> the
> last three years we have been working to set up a certification that tests
> ability - rather than memory or exam writing skills. We feel that we have
> achieved this. The certification is endorsed by the GOI and Anna
> University, so
> the paper may be worth something - but I feel the value of the
> certification is
> that anyone who attempts it - pass or fail - will imbibe some of the spirit
> of
> FOSS and be more employable (and a better person).
> I wish to thank those members of this and other mailing lists for
> contributing
> their ideas, time and effort to this. I also request all of you to
> contribute
> to the forums and answer questions there. Those of you who have companies
> that
> use FOSS tools or train FOSS people are requested to register their
> companies
> on the site. And give feedback on the skills you require. There is a
> nominal
> fee of Rs 100 for registration - that is to keep the viagra salesmen out,
> and
> also to test out our online payment system - we are one of the first
> government
> educational institutions to have an online payment system - and probably
> the
> only certifying authority in the world which has the whole source code of
> it's
> website online and freely downloadable. And that includes the code for the
> online payment itself.
> The site is still in an experimental stage - so please be kind and report
> errors and omissions.
> http://certificate.nrcfoss.au-kbc.org.in
> --
> regards
> Kenneth Gonsalves
> Senior Project Officer
> http://nrcfosshelpline.in/web/
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