[BangPypers] Autocompletion in emacs

Anand Balachandran Pillai abpillai at gmail.com
Fri May 23 14:41:19 CEST 2008

On Fri, May 23, 2008 at 5:51 PM, Biju Chacko <botsie at nixcartel.org> wrote:
> Pradeep Gowda wrote:
>> On 23-May-08, at 8:07 AM, Nishith Nand wrote:
>>> I am a python beginner. I found the auto completion feature that IDEs
>>> like SPE provide, wherein when you type, for example, "gtk.", it shows you
>>> the list of available function calls in a dropdown box, pretty useful.
>>> Especially when the function description is also shown as a tooltip. So, I
>>> was looking for something like that in emacs.
>>> */Anand Balachandran Pillai <abpillai at gmail.com
>>> <mailto:abpillai at gmail.com>>/* wrote:
>>>    Isn't M-x dabbrev-expand good enough ?
>> I think he wants to have "Intellisense" as in visual studio/eclipse etc.,
>> I have not had much use for intellisense so far (python shell with help,
>> __doc__ and dir() have been sufficient).
>> my attempt at using rope emacs, pymacs has not worked. Will give it a shot
>> again.

Being a language with dynamic (duck) types, how much will intellisense
help ? Perhaps for a few basic types and names, which are inferrable
from a static context, like "gtk".

I have never found intellisense a useful feature, because most of the time
I either know what I want or I prefer to do a "dir()" or "help()".
> Use Omnicomplete in vim -- works very well.

Isn't the O.P talking about Emacs ? I think you might find CEDET useful.
I have never tried it except for the speedbar, which I found pretty useful,
sometime back, though I felt it was more of a distraction and turned it off.

> -- b
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