[BangPypers] Idea

(श्री) GNU Yoga gnuyoga at gmail.com
Fri Mar 7 12:03:10 CET 2008

On 3/7/08, Anand Balachandran Pillai <abpillai at gmail.com> wrote:
> Secondly, wikis by definition allow editing by anyone. So how
> do you protect a job posting against wilful malicious edits ?
> What if I post for a Job which mentions Python experience
> and then someone comes and edits "Python" to say "Ruby" ?
> Then the posting is violated and no longer valid.
> Do I go back and change it ? Or do I lock the post against
> edits ? Then one does not need a Wiki anyway.
> I fail to get the basic inspiring reason behind a Job wiki and
> how it is useful apart from the common reason "wikis are cool" :)
> To me it looks like a Job wiki has inherent issues. Wiki +
> job posting does not go hand in hand.
> --Anand

let rephrase .... instead of wiki ..... a page which can do the job
posting with the features mentioned above ..... any python rapid
application developers listeninig ???

- sree

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