[BangPypers] Anyone knows something about VPS Hosting?

Pradeep Kishore Gowda ಪ್ರ Pradeep Kishore Gowda ಪ್ರ
Sun Jan 13 17:32:03 CET 2008

On 13-Jan-08, at 9:40 PM, Ramdas S wrote:

> Hi,
> I've seen webfaction, though never checked it. But can you install  
> software that does not come as standard Python like Genshi,  
> pyparsing with web faction

Yes you can.
You get your own $HOME/lib/python2.4 into which you can put pretty  
much anything.

My first Production site using Django (a telco engg application), is  
running on Webfaction since May 2007 :)
And I've only good things to say about webfaction. Go for it.

I've also used VPS(Slicehost, Linode  and Grokthis.net).

However, for most apps the webfaction a/c is sufficient and enough.

If you enjoy doing your own server administration, and have some  
exotic requirements
(Say, you want to run NGINX server, which by the way is sooper cool  
server), VPS may be a good option . Otherwise webfaction gives a very  
good deal.

You have to remember that all their plans include RAM amounts which  
apply to your app only.
Basically the 60MB RAM (plan-1) is counted only towards your app and  
does not take into consideration the memory used by the OS,  
Webserver, DBServer etc.,  Which is a good thing.
If I may hazard a guess, a 60MB shared-1 plan on WF may be better  
than running your own 128MB VPS.

I've used Shared-1 and later upgraded to Shared-3 because we needed  
bigger harddisk.

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