[BangPypers] help using mysqldb

Vijay Ramachandran vijay750 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 24 13:40:58 CET 2008

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 11:31 AM, <bangpypers-request at python.org> wrote:

> From: Jeff Rush <jeff at taupro.com>
> You may find the bit of additional software at the following site useful.
>  It
> has a slide presentation that talks about this and similar issues and
> delivers
> a lightweight solution.
>    http://furius.ca/antiorm/
> The presentation slides are very good and bring up some interesting ideas.
>    http://furius.ca/antiorm/doc/talks/dbapiext/dbapiext-pres.pdf
Thank you for the pointers, they were very helpful. I finally  got down to
reading about antiorm, and dbapiext seems to solve my problems! Its
interesting that such a common is missing from the dbapi pep.

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