[BangPypers] Choosing an Editor for Python ???

O.R.Senthil Kumaran orsenthil at gmail.com
Sat Sep 15 07:30:01 CEST 2007

* David <forge22 at yahoo.com> [2007-09-15 03:22:13]:

> I need to ask what editors the group recommends for python program 
> files.

Any editor that supports Python Indentationa and the list is available here:

If you have already installed Python, look out for IDLE and start from that.
That could your editor to start with. Later you can move to more powerful editors.

> Will MS Word do the trick or is there a Editor that is better to work 
> with.

Don't do that mistake. MS Word is a word-processor, i.e for highlighting words, underlining etc, not an editor and moreover will not support Python identation by default. 

O.R.Senthil Kumaran

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