[BangPypers] Let meet up !!!

gnuyoga gnuyoga at gmail.com
Wed Oct 31 07:00:30 CET 2007

Timmy Jose wrote:
> Reptilians,
> I highly suggest having a regular meet in the likes of BarCamp for
> this group. Though I have not had the good fortune of attending a
> single Bangpypers meet, I am sure we could make it a bigger and more
> formal procedure so that we can have fun and some solid work done as
> well.... how does it sound?
> Personally speaking, this saturday sounds a bit too impractical to me.
> Would love to attend soon anyhow.
> Regardsssssss,
> z0ltan.
i think we are bunch on multi tasking individuals who have very less 
time to participate anything unofficial ..... i my view we should just 
be spontaneous ... the moment we make it a regular ... it becomes boring 

hypen sree


Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest the divine by controlling nature, internal or external. Do this by work or worship or psychic control or philosophy by one or more, or all of these and be free.

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