[BangPypers] Fw: Mailman privacy alert

Nikhilesh Rao raonikhilesh at gmail.com
Thu Oct 25 15:19:56 CEST 2007

Hi I got this message when I tried to get the daily digest...


-----Original Message-----
From: bangpypers-bounces at python.org

Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2007 15:15:54 
To:raonikhilesh at gmail.com
Subject: Mailman privacy alert

An attempt was made to subscribe your address to the mailing list
bangpypers at python.org.  You are already subscribed to this mailing list.

Note that the list membership is not public, so it is possible that a bad
person was trying to probe the list for its membership.  This would be a
privacy violation if we let them do this, but we didn't.

If you submitted the subscription request and forgot that you were already
subscribed to the list, then you can ignore this message.  If you suspect that
an attempt is being made to covertly discover whether you are a member of this
list, and you are worried about your privacy, then feel free to send a message
to the list administrator at bangpypers-owner at python.org.

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