[BangPypers] Python BoF at foss.in

Kiran Jonnalagadda jace at pobox.com
Mon Nov 19 16:15:48 CET 2007

On 19-Nov-07, at 6:45 PM, gnuyoga wrote:

> i strongly feel we should have small get together quiet often ...
> ....... @ BBC5 it was quiet a disaster .... very few from bang pyper
> attended ... but at the same time lots of guys had query about python
> .... they were eagerly waiting for some magic ;-)

That's true. It seems like with its growing public awareness, Barcamp  
is attracting a lot of newbies which tends to turn any discussion  
into a basic skill sharing event. These people do seem to enjoy it  
and learn a lot, but anyone seeking a more advanced discussion tends  
to come away disappointed.

There has to be a way for these discussions to be organised around  
specific rather than general interests (wherein "Python" may be  
classified as a general interest whereas "the state of SoA  
implementations under Python" be considered suitably specific).

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