[BangPypers] HarvestMan with eventlets

gnuyoga gnuyoga at gmail.com
Thu Dec 27 07:39:24 CET 2007

Anand Balachandran Pillai wrote:
> Hi,
>      Continuing from my previous post, the context of which was eventlet,
> here is the reason why I was asking about it.
> I have been planning to rewrite HarvestMan using a non-blocking approach
> rather than the current design of achieving concurrency using multiple
> threads (which do not scale very well in Python).
> I have been evaluating twisted for sometime for doing this, but I have not
> been able to wrap my brain around twisted. Also the fact that twisted
> requires an explicit event loop call is not very good and makes it difficult
> to write an application which has its own separate event loop.
> Eventlets look promising because it is implemented using coroutines without
> an explicit event loop call, instead the event loop is run transparently when
> required. Also due to its design, it can be easily merged with Stackless, which
> I think it is already on the way to.
> Moreover, the sample code shows a crawler example, so there it is!
> I am looking at creating another implementation of HarvestMan based on
> eventlets rather than threads. This will run parallel to the regular HarvestMan.
> The plan is to write a crawler that scales very well w.r.t the number
> of requests
> and websites.
> Let me know if someone would like to be part of this.
> Thanks
+ 1

am a g8 fan of stackless. will read about eventlet and get back 2 u.

- sree


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