[Async-sig] ANN: miniasync, a small library build on top of asyncio for simple use cases

Dima Tisnek dimaqq at gmail.com
Fri May 4 04:18:46 EDT 2018


At first, I thought that implementation would be trivial, but upon
inspection it's actually educational!
Perhaps interactive environments like ipython and jupyter-notebook
could benefit from this library.


On 4 May 2018 at 15:45, Alice Heaton <alicemail at loveisanalogue.info> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been working on miniasync, a small library build on top of
> asyncio to facilitate the occasional use of async code in otherwise
> synchronous applications.
> A typical use case is an otherwise synchronous application, which at
> some point wants to send notifications to multiple online services.
> miniasync makes it easier to implement this asynchronously without
> having to write asyncio boilerplate.
> http://miniasync.readthedocs.io
> asyncio is vast, powerful and flexible. But there is a learning curve -
> you need to understand the event loop api (other async languages like
> Javascript don't expose that), how to create it and run tasks on it,
> which means you need to understand about Tasks and Futures, etc. The
> flexibility is great, and gives Python developers a lot of scope for
> implementing advanced applications, but it's a put off for simple use cases.
> miniasync exposes a single function, "miniasync.run", which takes a list
> of coroutine objects, creates a local event loop, runs all the
> co-routines until they're complete, and returns their result in the
> order they were defined:
>     import aiofiles
>     import miniasync
>     async def get_file_content(filename):
>         async with aiofiles.open(filename, mode='r') as f:
>             return await f.read()
>     results = miniasync.run(
>         get_file_content('file1.txt'),
>         get_file_content('file2.txt'),
>     )
>     assert results == [
>         '<the content of file1.txt>',
>         '<the content of file2.txt>'
>     ]
> This is similar to using a combination of gather and run_until_complete,
> but as a single step and without explicit reference to the loop. This
> also differs from gather in that:
> - Instead of saying you either want exceptions raised or returned, you
> need to list explicitly exceptions you want returned, all other
> exceptions are raised (explicit is better than implicit);
> - Unhandled exceptions cause all other tasks to be cancelled.
> miniasync.run always creates a new loop (so you can nest invocations of
> miniasync.run, and rely on each invocation only executing it's
> parameters). For the cases where you need the loop before running (eg.
> for creating a asyncio.Queue object to be shared amongst your
> co-routines), miniasync also exposes a context manager that creates a
> loop and lets you run co-routines on it:
>     import asyncio
>     import miniasync
>     async def coro1(q):
>         q.put_nowait('world')
>         return 'hello'
>     async def coro2(q):
>         return await q.get()
>     with miniasync.loop() as loop:
>         q = asyncio.Queue()
>         results = loop.run(
>             coro1(q),
>             coro2(q)
>         )
>     assert results == ['hello', 'world']
> You can pip install miniasync to try out, or read the docs on
> readthedocs (as above).
> For now miniasync covers what was my main issue with running simple
> async code. Other things I have in mind for the future is a simple
> interface for running multiple http requests (based on top of aiohttp).
> I'm keen to hear about other issues that could be simplified for simple
> use cases.
> :)
> Alice
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