[Async-sig] PEP: asynchronous generators

Cory Benfield cory at lukasa.co.uk
Mon Aug 8 07:24:39 EDT 2016

> On 8 Aug 2016, at 11:16, Ludovic Gasc <gmludo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Certainly some protocols/transports should be easier to have this split than others: Interesting to know if somebody has already tried to have QUIC and HTTP/2 in the same time with Python.

AFAIK they haven’t. This is partly because there’s no good QUIC implementation to bind from Python at this time. Chromium’s QUIC library requires a giant pool of custom C++ to bind it appropriately, and Go’s implementation includes a gigantic runtime and is quite large.

As and when a good OSS QUIC library starts to surface, I’ll be able to answer this question more effectively. But I’m not expecting a huge issue. =)

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