[AstroPy] Vizier.query stopped working properly

Robert Carr rspencercarr at gmail.com
Wed Feb 2 15:11:28 EST 2022

I am going crazy with a problem that should not be a problem at all.  I
have run a section of code successfully probably two or three thousand
times.  Today, it does not work.  The only thing that has changed on my end
is that about a week ago I updated my installed modules in Python.

The relevant section of my code, including installed modules, is:

>>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord

>>> import astropy.units as u

>>> from astroquery.vizier import Vizier


>>> STAR_NAME = 'J005736.73+120753.3'

>>> field_of_view =0.001

>>> results = Vizier.query_region(STAR_NAME, radius=field_of_view * u.deg,
catalog = 'SDSS12')

>>> results

Until today, this returned coordinates and other information for the target
STAR_NAME.  It now returns:

                >>> Empty TableList

I have upgraded my modules.  I have tried playing with the “field_of_view”
variable but have not been able to restore the desired behavior where
Vizier returns results just for the target STAR_NAME.  (I use similar code
with different “field_of_view” elsewhere in my program so I need to fix
this in the general case.)

Incidentally, I ran the sample code from astroquery:docs at

>>> import astropy.units as u

>>> result = Vizier.query_region("3C 273", radius=0.1*u.deg, catalog='GSC')

>>> result

This is supposed to return:

TableList with 3 tables:

   '0:I/254/out' with 10 column(s) and 17 row(s)

   '1:I/271/out' with 11 column(s) and 50 row(s)

   '2:I/305/out' with 11 column(s) and 50 row(s)

But instead returns:

TableList with 5 tables:

        '0:I/254/out' with 10 column(s) and 17 row(s)

        '1:I/255/out' with 9 column(s) and 17 row(s)

        '2:I/271/out' with 11 column(s) and 53 row(s)

        '3:I/305/out' with 11 column(s) and 206 row(s)

        '4:I/353/gsc242' with 35 column(s) and 5370 row(s)

Does this make any sense?  I appreciate any help!

Bob Carr
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