[AstroPy] Astropy Coordination Committee 3 (CoCo3)

Adrian Price-Whelan adrianmpw at gmail.com
Thu Oct 28 11:12:14 EDT 2021

Dear all,

Following the conclusion of the election process, the new Astropy
Coordinating Committee (CoCo3) has formed and has been meeting regularly on
Thursdays. Running notes from the CoCo meetings are publicly viewable and
can be found here: CoCo3 running notes
If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything in these notes,
we encourage you to comment directly in the running notes doc, post to the
#project channel on Slack, or send email to coordinators at astropy.org.

One of the first actions taken by the new CoCo was to document the CoCo
operating rules and policies. These can be viewed in CoCo Operating Policies

Our principal task as CoCo is to coordinate among the many contributors and
project members that help the Astropy Project to function and to grow in
many different roles (from coding the core package, to affiliate packages,
tutorials, outreach, organization etc.). But Astropy is, as much as
possible, a community-driven project where anyone can freely express their
opinions, make suggestions, and decisions are driven by community

With that in mind, the CoCo would like to propose a few role changes, and
we expect to propose a few more in the coming months. While APE0
<https://github.com/astropy/astropy-APEs/blob/main/APE0.rst> gives the
responsibility to create and change roles to the CoCo, the CoCo welcomes
individuals or groups to volunteer for and suggest new roles (indeed, the
Release committee was a suggestion from a non-CoCo member; see
https://www.astropy.org/team.html for the current roles). Hence, we would
like to ask the community to nominate people (including self-nominations)
for the following roles:


   Affiliated package editor
   <https://www.astropy.org/team.html#finance_committee_member> (please
   send suggestions to coordinators at astropy.org)

   Finance committee member
   <https://www.astropy.org/team.html#finance_committee_member>(please send
   suggestions to coordinators at astropy.org)

   Astropy Release committee (look for an announcement from Tom Robitaille

   Astropy webpage maintainer
   (please send suggestions to coordinators at astropy.org)

We will then follow the process for adding people to these roles

We always welcome ideas, feedback, or comments, so please start a thread in
#project or reach out via coordinators at astropy.org if you would like to get
in touch!

- Adrian, on behalf of the Astropy Coordinating Committee:

Matt Craig

Kelle Cruz

Moritz Günther

Adrian Price-Whelan

Erik Tollerud

Adrian M. Price-Whelan (he / him)
Associate Research Scientist
Center for Computational Astrophysics
Flatiron Institute
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