[AstroPy] ANN: sbpy bugfix release v0.2.2

Michael S. P. Kelley msk at astro.umd.edu
Mon Apr 27 11:45:33 EDT 2020

Dear all,

The sbpy project is pleased to announce the a bugfix release of sbpy:
v0.2.2.  sbpy is an astropy affiliated package for small body (comet
and asteroid) research.  Notable highlights:

* H,G1,G2 function of Penttilä et al. (2016), HG12_Pen16, now
correctly implemented (#233)
* Fixed a crash calculating total number of molecules with the Haser
(1957) coma model (#240)
* Ephemeris retrieval from JPL Horizons no longer requires any
specific columns (#242)
* sbpy is fully pip installable in a clean environment
* Several documentation and testing suite fixes

sbpy is available at GitHub (github.com/NASA-Planetary-Science/sbpy/)
and PyPI.  Install/upgrade with `pip install -U sbpy`.

Mike Kelley for the sbpy developers

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