[AstroPy] Aplpy FITSFigure does not open any window

Thomas Robitaille thomas.robitaille at gmail.com
Sat Mar 23 11:01:07 EDT 2019

Hi Vittorio,

Apologies for the delay - I think that these issues should be resolved with
the latest version of APLpy (2.0.3) but if not, please open an issue here:



On Tue, 31 Oct 2017 at 18:29, Vittorio_Roma2 <vittorio.braga at roma2.infn.it>

> Dear all
> I am having a problem with aplpy.
> I am using Python 3.5.2 under ubuntu 16.04 and installed aplpy version
> 1.1.1
> through pip3 install aplpy
> The first problem arises when importing aplpy:
> import/home/vittorio/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages/matplotlib/cbook/deprecation.py:106:
> MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: The mpl_toolkits.axes_grid module was
> deprecated in version 2.1. Use mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 and
> mpl_toolkits.axisartist provies the same functionality instead.
>    warnings.warn(message, mplDeprecation, stacklevel=1)
> I have tried to substitute mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 with
> mpl_toolkits.axes_grid in core.py
> but then I got an error (and not a warning)  saying that axes_grid1 does
> not have some method.
> This will just return a failure and stop everything.
> Anyways, when I do
>  >>> fitsfile='somefile.fits'
>  >>> F=aplpy.FITSFigure(fitsfile)
> WARNING: Cannot determine equinox. Assuming J2000. [aplpy.wcs_util]
> WARNING: Cannot determine equinox. Assuming J2000. [aplpy.wcs_util]
>  >>> F.show_grayscale()
> INFO: Auto-setting vmin to  3.416e+03 [aplpy.core]
> INFO: Auto-setting vmax to  2.212e+04 [aplpy.core]
> No window at all is opening. I have also tried giving as input of
> FITSFIgure
> astropy.io.fits.open objects but again, no graphical window shows up.
> I have found some workaround, that is, after the above instructions, to
> give
>  >>>hdu_list=fits.open(fitsfile)
>  >>>image_data=hdu_list[0].data
>  >>>plt.imshow(image_data,'gray',clim=[4500,9000])
>  >>>plt.show(block=False)
> This does open an astrometrized image, with the labels of the X and Y axis
> in the right place. However, this does not allow me to use any of the
> FITSFigure methods. Neither I can add subplots to put annotations. Finally,
> to add markers, I am forced to do another workaround: to
> give pixel coordinates like this
>  >>>plt.scatter(pixcoords[:,0],pixcoords[:,1])
> where pixcoords comes from WCS transformations.
> I have also tried a workaround, giving,e.g.
>  >>>F.add_label(0.5,0.5,'ssss',relative=True)
> and do the plt.imshow and plt.show later, but this still does not work.
> To sum up, while it is true that  I can live with the workarounds for some
> very basic figures, all of this is slowing down the script and I can't call
> any of the FITSFigure methods
> Any help would really be appreciated
> Best regards, Vittorio
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