[AstroPy] Can't import astropy subpackages

Evert Rol evert.rol at gmail.com
Wed Jan 31 23:40:37 EST 2018

Travis, you probably just need an extra 

import astropy.constants

Looks like the constants subpackage isn't automatically imported (anymore) when astropy is imported.
I think this is largely the default for most Python packages (os.path an exception to the rule): subpackages don't get imported automatically.

> Hello everyone,
> I’m not really a new astropy user, but for some reason I have this problem with astropy after I installed via conda. I tried uninstalling and installing again, but no luck. Below are the steps I took to get this error.
> 1) open ipython in terminal
> 2) import astropy
> 3) print (astropy.constants.c)
> I get the following error: module ‘astropy’ has no attribute ‘constants’
> Which is very odd because it’s always worked for me before in my previous installations. 
> When I type astropy. in ipython, it only lists the following options when hitting tab: conf, config, cython_version, extern, find_api_page(), log, logger, online_docs_root, online_help(), test(), tests, utils, version.
> And what’s more odd, is when I type:
> from astropy.constants import c
> It works just fine… I’m running Python 3.6.4, ipython 6.2.1, conda 4.4.8, and astropy 2.0.3 on macOS High Sierra. Any insight why this is happening? Thank you all. 
> Best Regards,
> Travis Thieme
> Graduate Student
> Institute of Astronomy
> National Tsing Hua University
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