[AstroPy] astropy.vo.client conesearch radius problem?

Francisco Gallardo lópez f.gallardo.lopez at gmail.com
Sat Jan 14 15:33:03 EST 2017

Hi all!

I looked in the Internet but I did not find references to this problem, so
maybe I'm making something wrong.

So I'm using the conesearch from astropy.vo.client to query some catalogs
(indeed all the catalogs that are returned by conesearch.list_catalogs() ).

The thing is, I'm using a radius of 0.2 seconds of arc and it seems like
when querying some catalogs the results seem to be out of that requested
radius. For instance, two sources returned by the query were, one at
ra=5.602814 deg and another one @ ra=5.536589 deg.

That does not happen with the 'Guide Star Catalog v2 1' which seems to work
properly, it happens when requesting the The PMM USNO-A1.0 Catalogue (Monet
1997) 1'.

Am I missing something or making something wrong or is it a known bug?

Thanks a lot!
Fran Gallardo
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